Downloading Luna Uniti Firmware

This article describes how to download the correct BHS Luna Uniti firmware variant for your device:

Currently Luna Uniti is capable of powering a wide range of devices. Checkout this link to make sure that your device is present in our HCL (Hardware Compatibility List).

  • Raspberry Pi Variants (Alcrymist, COTX-X3, SenseCap-M1, RAK, Midas……)
  • RockChip Variants (Bobcat 300 – G280/G285/G290/G295 – Bobcat 300 G280 are mail in service for now)


  • Luna OS is a full Operating System for your device.
  • Firmware flashing process will complete wipe your SD card/EMMC/Disk.
  • All control features are offered via the Uniti dashboard.
  • SSH access to the firmware is not supported.


—- Right click link and select save as to begin download —-

Raspberry Pi Variants (Alcrymist, COTX-X3, SenseCap-M1, RAK, Midas……):

Libre Computer LePotato AML-S905X-CC (Amlogic):

OrangePi Zero 2W:

RockChip Variants (Bobcat 300 – G280/G285/G290/G295):

  • Luna Uniti Alpha Bobcat 300 1.20 GA Release 2024-04-28 0559 | SHA256 CHECKSUM
    • Firmware is being tested in DEV (check discord for updates).

Instructions for Flashing & onboarding:

Once you have downloaded Luna Uniti firmware for your device variant. Checkout our guide for flashing and onboarding your device.

Verifying the Checksum (Optional but recommended):

After downloading the Luna Uniti firmware, you may want to verify the file’s integrity, follow these steps:

  1. Recalculate the checksum of the file using SHA256SUM.
  2. Compare the recalculated checksum with the original checksum you stored earlier.
  3. If both checksum match, the file hasn’t been altered.

Lets take Luna Uniti Raspberry Pi variant firmware. To start verification, please run:

sha256sum -c checksum.BHS-Uniti-Alpha-1.20-GA-Release-2024-04-28-0559.img.xz.sha256

This command will read the checksum from checksum.BHS-Uniti-Alpha-1.19-GA-Release-2024-04-20-420.img.xz.sha256, recalculate the checksum for BHS-Uniti-Alpha-1.19-GA-Release-2024-04-20-420.img.xz, and compare the two. If they match, it will display a message indicating that the checksum is OK. Otherwise, it will show an error message indicating a checksum mismatch.